Our Designs
Just like the cut of your clothing, your hairstyle, and the temper of your smile, your jewelry tells your story to those around you. The sparkle of a ring on your finger announces a momentous life change. The swing of a pair of earrings says you're in the mood for fun. The chime of a stack of bracelets echoes the sound of your heels in a boardroom, signaling that it's time to get down to business.
Jewelry has many purposes -- to adorn, to enhance, to attract, to impress. You can change the pieces of jewelry you wear, but the jewelry itself remains, unchanged, for years. Some jewelry is meant to be ephemeral -- appearing and disappearing with the whimsy of the day and season. Other pieces of jewelry resonate so strongly that you wear them everyday and cannot imagine leaving them in the drawer.
No matter the price, the metal, the stone, every piece of jewelry you put on should make you feel a little happier, a little stronger, a little more "you." We don't want to overstate the effect a piece of jewelry can have -- it isn't going to save your life in a flood or anything like that, after all -- but we do think there should be something about each piece of jewelry you wear that gives you pleasure. The color of the stone sets off your eyes. The weight of a pendant reminds you of a loved one's embrace. The glitter of an earring makes you feel a little bit giddy.
Our goal in creating each piece of jewelry is to give you that pleasure and to help you find your story and share it with the world around you.